The is one of the largest in the world. We offer customers a wide variety of gambling games and events for sports betting and encourage all users to play responsibly. We remind you that gambling cannot be a stable source of income and way of earning, and any bet can lead to losing money. Therefore, you should not make a mistake about betting on sports and turn your hobby into something more.

How Melbet Protect Customers

Even if you think you have taken all the risks into account, and the bet is guaranteed to win, it is not. Even with minimal risk, you can lose, and it will lead to a loss of money. No strategy can guarantee you a positive result.

To better protect our customers from cheating activities, we have implemented some important rules on the Melbet platform:

  • The number of accounts for each player is limited. You can only have one account;
  • If you are under 18 years old, you can’t , make bets on the site or play in the casino;
  • When you make deposits and withdrawals, you must only use your own e-wallets and bank cards;
  • At any time, Melbet support team can ask you to confirm your identity and go through full verification.

There are no people who are fully protected from gambling addiction. Although the proportion of cheaters in the total mass of players is small and amounts to about 1%, the risk of developing this disorder exists in every person. To find out if you suffer from and are prone to addiction, ask yourself a few questions. Can you right now completely give up betting on sports and casino games for a long period of time? Won’t it lead to negative emotions? How much are you into gambling and how much time do you spend on it? Are your relationships with loved ones damaged because of your hobby? Give as honest answers as possible and don’t deceive yourself.

Tips for Dealing with Addiction

Even if you think you’re not addicted to gambling, still stick to the principles of responsible gambling. To do so, follow a few simple guidelines:

  • Play only with the money you own and are willing to lose. Do not borrow or lend it. And if losing will lead to problems, don’t risk it;
  • Before you start gambling, determine for yourself how much time and money you are willing to spend on it. Do not spend more time betting than you originally planned;
  • Do not make repeated deposits and do not increase your bets to quickly make up for previous losses. This can lead to even more losses;
  • If you feel that negative emotions begin to influence your decisions, stop playing immediately;
  • Take regular 15-minute breaks every hour for long gaming sessions.

We urge all users to follow exactly the principles for responsible gaming on Melbet as described above. If you suffer from gambling addiction, take advantage of the self-restriction features. We may apply stricter deposit and withdrawal limits for your account or restrict access to your account.

Also you can find out from the Melbet support team how to contact specialized centers for psychological and medical help.